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Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Album Baru Dream Theater

Album Baru Dream Theater: “Black Clouds & Silver Linings"

Dream Theater Black Cloud And Silver Linings Cover Mau tahu lebih banyak tentang Dream Theater? Kunjungi http://www.dreamtheater.net/
Disebut sebagai veterannya aliran Metal Progressive, Dream Theater baru-baru ini mengumumkan album baru mereka, “BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS” Album baru ini adalah album kedua yang digarap bekerjasama dengan Roadrunner Records. Yang pertama “Systematic Chaos” di tahun 2007.

Pihak Roadrunner akan merilis album “BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS” ini pada 23 Juni 2009. Dalam rilis terbaru itu Roadrunner akan memberikan beberapa versi selain versi standar. Album baru ini juga akan tersedia dalam bentuk vinyl LP, juga akan ada 3-disc Special Edition CD yang berisi full album, sebuah CD instrumental dan juga sebuah CD yang berisi 6 lagu cover version, judulnya baru akan diungkap kemudian.

Selama 6 minggu sebelum peluncuran album baru Dream Theater pada 23 Juni 2009 nanti, Roadrunner akan merilis sebuah lagu cover version per minggunya. Lumayan kan, bisa ngicipi duluan. 6 minggu sebelum 23 Juni 2009, berarti mulai 12 Mei 2009 kita (kalau beruntung sich) bisa mulai berburu… hehe..)

Sekali lagi labum ini masih di produseri oleh Mike Portnoy dan John Petrucci, sementara untuk urusan mixing di pegang oleh Paul Northfield.

Rencananya, pada bulan Juni nanti, Dream Theater akan menggelar tour untuk mendukung albun “BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS” ini. Di mulai di Eropa, kemudian disusul bulan Juli-Agustus di Amerika.

Nah, ini daftar lagu baru di albumnya Dream Theater “BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS”
1. A Nightmare to Remember
2. A Rite of Passage
3. Wither
4. The Shattered Fortress
5. The Best of Times
6. The Count of Tuscany

Isu Dalam Agama dan Sains



Pada bab ini kami telah menjabarkan lima topic tentang perkembangan dari “Dunia Drama” abad pertengahan sampai “Dunia Mesin” Newtonian> Kini dari penjelasan ini kami merangkum lima sumber konflik utama antara ilmu pengetahuan dan agama selama periode perkembangan tersebut, dan berusaha membedakan isu-isu yang merupakan produk kondisi jangka pendek dari produk yang kepentingannya berkelanjutan.

1. Metode Dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan. Pada saat meninjau abad pertengahan, Galileo dan Newton, kami mulai dari “penjelasan berdasarkan tujuan” kemudian “Matematika dan Observasi” dan “Eksperimen dan Teori”. Penitikberatan pada tujuan selama berabad-abad telah mengalihkan perhatian dari sebab mekanis dan menghalangi pertumbuhan karakteristik pendekatan ilmu pengetahuan modern. Pada abad ketujuh belas, kesuksesan luar biasa telah dicapai dengan pemusatan pada penjelasan deskriftif dan “efisien” bukannya sebab “akhir”. Teori dan eksperimen dihubungkan oleh konsep baru yang imajinatif; teori dan eksperimen tetap menjadi elemen dasar metodelogi ilmiah. Teori dianggap memberikan gambaran realitas secara harfiah (realisme naif), sebuah sudut pandang yang kemudian kami temui ditantang oleh banyak ahli filsafat ilmu pengetahuan kontemporer yang, dari sudut pandang fisika abad keduapuluhan, menekankan karakter selektif, abstraktif, dan simbolis konsep ilmiah, model dan teori.

Virtuosi mempercayai adanya tujuan ketuhanan di alam, tetapi secara benar meyakini tujuan Tuhan tidak berperan dalam penjelasan ilmiah. Generasi selanjutnya menyimpulkan bahwa penjelasan mekanik menghilangkan seluruh makana teologi; isu kembali menjadi akut selama kontroversi evolusi. Namun, kami tetap berpendapat bahwa ketika diungkapkan secara benar, analisis menurut istilah logis tidak digantikan oleh analisis menurut istilah ilmiah, karena ilmu pengethuan dan teologi pada dasarnya mengajukan jenis pertanyaan yang bebrbeda. Pada suatu masa yang didominasi oleh agama, kebebasan ilmu pengetahuan harus diytegakkan. Sekarang, pada masa yang didominasi ilmu pengetahuan, kebebasan agama harus ditegaskan. Dominasi ilmu pengetahuan atau agama, dan asumsi bahwa salah satu harus mengeluarkan yang lainnya, adalah sebagian produk kegagalan analisis karakteristik cara manusia mengathuai secra memadai. Persoalan dasarnya adalah: apa fungsi pembedaan jenis penjelasan, dan bagaimana struktur proses mengetahui? Apa saja kelebihan dan keterbatasan metode ilmu pengetahuan? Persoalan-persoalan inilah yang menjadi subjek bagian dua.

2. Karakter Alam. Fenomena alam berturut-turut dipandang sbebagai “sebuah hirarki kehidupan”, “partikel yang berrgerak” dan “Mesin yang taat hukum”. Kami berpendapat bahwa pandangan hidup atomisme yang mekanistik seharusnya dievaluasi sebagai penafsir filosofis bukannya sebagai kesimpulan ilmiah. Burtt mengatakan:“ Jika kami benar ketika kami menilai bahawa keyakian tidak realistisa pada kepentingan penyelamataan religius memainkan peran yang kuat dalam pembentukan hierarki realitas abad pertengahan, bukan hipotesis yang sama-sam masuk akal untuk anggapan bahwa keyakinan tidak realistis lainnya mendasari doktrin fisika modern awal yang ekstrim ini_ karena lebih mudahh mencapai reduksi alam menjadi sebuah system persamaan matematika dengan menganggap bahwa tidak ada kehidupan diluar pikiran manusia yang tidak bias direduksi, naturalis juga memberikan asumsi yang mendekati”

Kini, konflik agama bukan dengan ilmu pengetahuan itu sendiri tetapi dengan metafisika yang menghubungkan serangkaian konsep ilmiah dengan seluruh realitas. Prinsip matematika digunakan sebgai criteria pemilihan di antara elemen-elemen pengalaman yang menghubungkan karakteristik tersebut dengan duunia eksternal sebagai “kualitas primer” Kesuksesan kategori fisika menghasilkan kepercayaan bahwa segalanya dapat dijelaskan menurut kategori ini. Pada dasarnya, hal tersebut merupakan pandangan alam yang statis, yang tidak menimbulkan hal-hal baru dan fundamental.

3. Metode Dalam Teologi. Selama tiga periode kami menggunakan “Akal dan Wahyu” “Aristoteles, Kitab suci, dan Alam”. Dan Teologi Alam. Teologi al-kitab telah begitu menyatu dengan Aristotelianisme abad pertengahan sehingga orang-orang bereaksi menghadapi tantangan kosmologi Aristoteles seolah-olah tantangan tersebut merupakan tantangan terhadap agama Kristen. Reaksi tersbut mungkin merupakan sumber konflik terbesar pada masa Gallileo, tapi pada akhir abad tidak lagi menjadi isu utama. Namun isu tersebut mencerminkan masalah yang terus menerus muncul: bagaimana teknologi menggunakan dan menggabungkan filsafat dan ilmu pengethuan terbaik pada masa itu, seperti Aquinas menggunakan Aristoteles, n amun menghindari dostorsi pesan Kristen yang esensial dengan membuat system kaku yang menghalangi respon terhadap aliran intelektual baru?

Literalisme al-Kitab berkontribusi pada penghukuman Galileo oleh gereja katolik. Literalisme seperti itu juga ada dalam skolatisisme protestan, tetapi semakin berkurang di Eropa continental tidak pernah sedominan di Inggris. Namun, jenis konflik yang sama muncul lagi antara fundamentalisme dan teori evolusi. Isu dasarnya adalah apakah wahyu alkitab dipahami sebagai informasi pernyataan yang selalu benar dan mampu mendikte kesimpulan ilmiah ataukah bukan.

Michael Angelo Batio

Michael Angelo Batio

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Michael Angelo Batio

Background information
Also known as Mike Batio, MAB
Born 1956
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Genres Instrumental rock, neo-classical metal, glam metal, heavy metal, hard rock, progressive metal, jazz
Occupations Musician, songwriter, producer, columnist
Instruments Guitar, bass, keyboard, vocals, drums
Years active 1984–present
Labels M.A.C.E.
Associated acts Nitro, Holland, Jim Gillette, C4, The Michael Angelo Band, Katrina Johansson Bill Peck
Website www.angelo.com
Notable instruments
Dean MAB1 Armorflame
Dean MAB1 Lazer
Dean MAB2 Aviator
Quad Guitar

Michael Angelo Batio (pronounced /ˈbeɪtioʊ/,[1] also known as Mike Batio or MAB) (born in 1956) is an American heavy metal guitarist and columnist from Chicago, Illinois. Batio was voted the "No. 1 Shredder of All Time" by Guitar One Magazine in 2003.[2][3] He was also listed as one of the "Top 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists of All Time" by Guitar World Magazine, for which he writes the column Time to Burn, and one of the "20 Greatest Shredders of All Time" by Total Guitar Magazine, both in April 2008.



[edit] Biography

[edit] Early life and career

MAB started playing the piano and composing music at the age of five, and first played guitar at the age of ten, reportedly playing faster than his teacher within two years.[citation needed] At the age of fourteen he started playing jazz guitar, and within two years he had won the Chicago-based "All-State Jazz Solo Award". He attended Northeastern Illinois University and achieved a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Theory and Composition. After he had graduated, Batio looked to become a session guitarist in his hometown. When he asked for a job at a nearby studio, he was given a piece of music and simply asked to play it. Naturally, he managed to play it and added in some of his own improvisations and fills, making him the studio's primary call-out guitarist.[4] As a session player, Batio recorded music for such companies as Burger King, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC, United Airlines, United Way, McDonalds, Beatrice Corp. and the Chicago Wolves hockey team.[5]

[edit] Holland, the Michael Angelo Band and Nitro (1984–1993)

Batio began his recording career in 1984 when he joined new Chicago-based heavy metal band Holland, an eponymous project set up by ex-Steppenwolf singer Tommy Holland. With major label Atlantic Records, the band released their debut studio album in 1985 entitled Little Monsters, which saw moderate success in the United States. The band split up soon after, and a compilation of material from the Little Monsters sessions, Wake Up the Neighbourhood, was released in 1999 through Batio's label M.A.C.E. Music.

After the breakup of Holland, Batio started his own eponymous band with singer Michael Cordet, bassist Allen Hearn and drummer Paul Cammarata. The Band did not release any albums, though three of their songs appeared on the 1998 Nitro compilation Gunnin' for Glory.[6]

In 1987 Batio joined glam metal artist Jim Gillette on his solo album Proud to Be Loud, before founding the band Nitro with bassist T.J. Racer and drummer Bobby Rock. In 1989 Nitro released their first studio album, O.F.R., from which they released two singles, "Freight Train" and "Long Way From Home". The music video for "Freight Train", which received much airplay on MTV, was notable for featuring Batio playing his now famous 'Quad Guitar', a notion which FHM Magazine voted one of the "50 most outrageous moments in rock history".[7]

By 1992, Comet and Racer had been replaced by Johnny Thunder and Ralph Carter respectively, and it was in this year that they released their second studio album entitled Nitro II: H.W.D.W.S.. Included on the album was a cover of Ted Nugent's "Cat Scratch Fever", which the band also recorded a music video for. Nitro disbanded shortly afterwards.

[edit] Solo career (1993–present)

In April 1993, Batio founded his own record label, M.A.C.E. Music, which became one of the first labels online in 1996.[8] He used this label when he began recording his first album, No Boundaries, which he released in 1995. Batio's second studio release was Planet Gemini in 1997, which showed a very progressive, experimental side to his playing. In 1999, Batio released his first instructional video, Jam With Angelo, which came with his third studio album as a companion CD: Tradition. This was quickly followed by a fourth full-length album in 2000, Lucid Intervals and Moments of Clarity, which was credited to "Mike Batio and Rob Ross", the latter being the drummer.

In 2001, Batio released a CD with his band "C4," covering songs from his Holland years and including the original "Call to Arms." It was his 1st all vocal CD since recording with Nitro.

In 2003, Batio released his first DVD, the title release in his Speed Kills series, followed by the second, Speed Lives, in 2004. It was also in this year that Batio released a compilation album, Lucid Intervals and Moments of Clarity Part 2, which featured songs from Tradition and Lucid Intervals.

In 2005, Michael released his highly anticipated cover/tribute/studio album, Hands Without Shadows, which featured guest appearances from such musicians as Mark Tremonti (of Alter Bridge fame), Rudy Sarzo (of Ozzy Osbourne, Quiet Riot, Whitesnake and Dio fame) and virtuoso newcomer Bill Peck. In 2006, DVD Speed Kills 2 was released, in addition to the first in the new Hands Without Shadows series, Performance. Batio's latest release came in 2007, when his first two albums - No Boundaries and Planet Gemini - were remixed and remastered with additional drums, for an album entitled 2 X Again; the title of a song from the first album. Angelo also released three DVDs in 2007: Speed Kills 3, 25 Jazz Progressions and MAB Jam Session.

Two DVDs were slated for a 2008 release, one that focuses on neo-classical techniques and concepts and another which contained Batio's live performance at the Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center on July 9.[9] One of these DVDs was apparently to be entitled The Neoclassical Power Approach, according to the flyer for the aforementioned concert.

[edit] Film Appearance

In 1991, Batio's guitar work appeared in the low budget horror film Shock 'Em Dead, recording tracks for the soundtrack as well as playing the guitar parts of the demonically possessed main character Angel Martin in close ups.[10]

[edit] Style

Batio is (self-taught) ambidextrous, able to play two guitars at the same time either in synchronization or using separate harmonies, as shown when he plays his famous Double-Guitar. Though naturally left-handed, he plays as right-handed when playing one guitar. Batio invented the "Over-Under" technique[citation needed], which involves flipping his fretting hand over and under the neck, playing the guitar both regularly and like a piano.

Batio taught guitarist Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave fame) while at college. Morello has credited MAB with teaching him in a feature article in Guitar World Magazine in 2005. Michael also gave lessons to guitarist Mark Tremonti after Creed broke up and Tremonti wanted to learn more techniques. Batio is also widely known for his rather unusual picking technique: He sweeps, using his thumb and pointing finger, with his three other fingers planted at the bottom of all six strings on the body of the guitar.

[edit] Equipment

[edit] Guitars

Batio has an extensive collection of guitars, which he has collected since the 1980s including a Dave Bunker "Touch guitar" (double neck with both bass and guitar), a mint condition 1968 Fender Mustang, a 1986 Fender Stratocaster 1962 re-issue and several other vintage and custombuilt guitars.[11] For live performances Batio is an exclusive user of Dean Guitars, both electric and acoustic.[12] In 2007 he designed and developed a signature guitar with Dean, known as the MAB1 Armorflame.[13] Another signature piece of equipment Batio developed is the "MAB Hands Without Shadows" pickup, which he uses in his Double Guitar when touring. The pickup is specially designed for shred guitar, and provides the clean tone Batio is accustomed to. The Armorflame, Batio's signature guitar, uses EMG 81, 85 and SA pickups.

Earlier on in his career when he was first endorsed by Dean guitars he also embraced Dean's tradition of popularising Dimarzio pickups and had used Dimarzios in his guitars. These include the Dimarzio PAF, Super Distortion (sometimes using the Super Distortion both in the neck and bridge position, as he did in his Gibson Charvel Circuit Board double guitar. This was the main setup during the recording of No Boundaries). Batio has also used pickups of other brands including Seymour Duncan, namely the Pearly Gates and JB models and also Bill Lawrence pickups. Currently other than using EMGs in his signature guitar he also has a collection of the other brand pickups in his Dean limited edition collectors' models, such as Dimarzio Custom Super Distortions (based on the Super 2 and Super Distortion) in his USA Dean Time capsule Blue Burst ML and the Seymour Duncan pair he used (refer to above) in his USA Dean Collectors edition Hardtail.[14]

The Double-Guitar

Batio was the inventor of the Double-Guitar, a V-shaped, twin-neck guitar which can be played both right- and left-handed. The first version of this instrument was actually two separate guitars simply played together, as opposed to being one entity. A Flying V was fastened to a snare drum in a left-handed position, while another one was strapped around his shoulder. The next version of the guitar, as designed by Batio and guitar technician Kenny Breit, featured a flight case latch attached to the back of each guitar, which could reportedly be assembled in five seconds. In October 2003, Dean designed and built the "Mach 7 Jet", and on March 6, 2007, the newest version was delivered to Batio. The original Double went on display at the Chicago Hard Rock Cafe 'wall of fame' before it was relocated to a HRC in Egypt. Its whereabouts are currently unknown.

When the Double-Guitar was first used in concert, Batio noticed that the guitars created a lot of feedback when played together. He decided that he needed to invent a way to 'dampen' the strings when both guitars were played at the same time, hence the invention of the "MAB String Dampener", which is now available to buy from M.A.C.E. Music.[15]

The Double-Guitar was recently named as the 8th "coolest guitar in rock" by online music magazine Gigwise.[16]

The Quad Guitar

As well as the Double Guitar, Michael Angelo also invented and designed the Quad Guitar.[17] The guitar was originally built in conjunction with Gibson, and built by Wayne Charvel in California. The top two guitars have seven strings, while the bottom two have the regular six. The first Quad, as used in the video for Nitro's "Freight Train", was stolen in El Paso, Texas after the second show of Nitro's O.F.R. tour. When Batio was performing in November 2004, a young fan named Simon Jones and his father turned up with a guitar case which held inside the two top guitars of the Quad, as found by Mick Seymour. Dean designed and built a new Quad Guitar in 2007.

The Quad Guitar was recently named as the 2nd "coolest guitar in rock" by online music magazine Gigwise.[18]

[edit] Effects

Batio's effects pedals are exclusively made by T-Rex, with whom he has also developed a signature model, the "MAB Overdrive".[19] In his years with Nitro, Batio used Boss overdrive (DS-1, SD-1) pedals.

In the studio, Michael also uses the following effects pedals:

[edit] Amplification

Batio typically uses Marshall JCM 2000 amps on tour and for newer studio records. In the studio, he also uses the Marshall JMP-1 preamp and Rocktron Chameleon and Voodoo Valve preamps. During his years with Nitro, Batio used Randall amplifiers. He has been an avid Marshall amp user throughout his career and has used the JCM 800 (mostly Jose Arrendondo modified circuitry, very early in his career) and JCM 900 (especially when recording No Boundaries). Batio's cabinet setup consists of 4x12 Marshall cabinets loaded with Celeston vintage 30s and Greenbacks in mono and stereo.

[edit] Other equipment


Batio uses Ernie Ball guitar strings, favouring the .009 to .042 models for soloing and most rhythm guitar parts while thicker gauge strings are used for detuned guitars. The acoustic gauge is normally .010 to .046 or .011 to .052.


Michael uses black Dunlop Jazz IIIs as his guitar pick of choice, and has used the 'teardrop' shape of pick since he first started playing. Different picks are sometimes used for acoustic work.

[edit] Solo discography

[edit] References

  1. ^ Michael Angelo Batio (2005-03-29). "Re: For Michael Angelo Batio". Michael Angelo Batio Forum. http://deb13.proboards31.com/index.cgi?board=Technical&action=display&thread=3816&page=1#65120. Retrieved 2008-07-29.
  2. ^ "FASTEST GUITAR SHREDDERS". Phil Brodie Band. http://philbrodieband.com/muso-shredders.htm. Retrieved 2008-05-29.
  3. ^ "Top 10 Fastest Shredders of All Time". Guitar One Magazine. http://www.geocities.com/imtheoptimator/guitone.jpg. Retrieved 2008-05-29.
  4. ^ "Michael Angelo Batio: Bio". Speed Kills. http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/michaelangelo/bio.html. Retrieved 2008-05-29.
  5. ^ "Ambidextrous double-guitar player to take stage at Cultural Arts Center". Simi Valley Acorn. 2008-07-04. http://www.simivalleyacorn.com/news/2008/0704/on_the_town/035.html. Retrieved 2008-07-05.
  6. ^ "Nitro - Gunnin' For Glory". Encyclopaedia Metallum. http://www.metal-archives.com/release.php?id=96601. Retrieved 2008-05-31.
  7. ^ Lacey Conner (Interviewer), Michael Angelo Batio (Interviewee). (2007). Dean Artist: Michael Angelo Batio. [Interview]. Tampa, Florida: Dean Guitars. http://www.deanguitars.com/angelo/. Retrieved 2008-07-25. "FHM Magazine voted this one of the fifty most outrageous moments in rock history ... so Dean built this, and this is the new Quad."
  8. ^ "About Us". M.A.C.E. Music. http://www.angelo.com/html/about_us.html. Retrieved 2008-05-29.
  9. ^ "The MAB “Metal Method” concert on Wednesday July 9th, 2008!". News: What's New. M.A.C.E. Music. http://www.angelo.com/html/what_s_new.html. Retrieved 2008-07-07.
  10. ^ "Shock 'Em Dead FAQ". Star Licks. http://star-licks.com/_shock_em_dead.htm. Retrieved 2009-02-06.
  11. ^ In the Studio with... Michael Angelo Batio Guitarworld.com Retrived: 2009-05-17
  12. ^ "MAB Equipment". M.A.C.E. Music. http://www.angelo.com/html/batio_s_equipment.html. Retrieved 2008-05-29.
  13. ^ "Michael Angelo Batio - MAB 1 Armored Flame". Dean Guitars. http://www.deanguitars.com/dean_winter_07/mabsig.htm. Retrieved 2008-05-29.
  14. ^ "Michael Angelo Batio - MAB 1 Armorflame". Dean Guitars. http://www.deanguitars.com/dean_winter_07/mabsig.htm. Retrieved 2008-07-25.
  15. ^ "The MAB String Dampener". M.A.C.E. Music. http://www.angelo.com/html/the_mab_string_dampener.html. Retrieved 2008-05-29.
  16. ^ "8. Michael Angelo Batio's twin neck". The Coolest Guitars In Rock!. Gigwise. 2008-07-31. http://www.gigwise.com/photos/45036/23/The-Coolest-Guitars-In-Rock. Retrieved 2009-09-22.
  17. ^ "The Quad Guitar". M.A.C.E. Music. http://www.angelo.com/html/the_quad_guitar.html. Retrieved 2008-05-29.
  18. ^ "2. Michael Angelo Batio Quad Guitar". The Coolest Guitars In Rock!. Gigwise. 2008-07-31. http://www.gigwise.com/photos/45036/29/The-Coolest-Guitars-In-Rock. Retrieved 2009-09-22.
  19. ^ "PRODUCTS - MAB OVERDRIVE". T-Rex Engineering. http://www.t-rex-engineering.com/Default.aspx?ID=2&ProductID=PROD34&VariantID=. Retrieved 2008-05-29.

[edit] External links


John Petrucci

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Langsung ke: navigasi, cari
John Petrucci
Asal Amerika
Tanggal lahir 12 Juli 1967
Aliran Progresif Metal
Progresif Rock
Tahun aktif 1985 - sekarang
Website Official website
Keanggotaan Dream Theater
Liquid Tension Experiment
G3 2005-2007
Sunting kotak ini

John Petrucci (lahir pada tanggal 12 Juli, 1967), adalah gitaris Amerika yang dikenal sebagai anggota pembentuk grup progresif metal Dream Theater. Dia juga seorang produser (bersama teman satu bandnya Mike Portnoy) dari semua album Dream Theater sejak rilis album Scenes From A Memory, pada tahun 1999.

[sunting] Biografi

Petrucci besar di Long Island, tepatnya Kings park dimana Petrucci bersama John Myung dan Kevin Moore sekolah di tempat yang sama. Petrucci bermain gitar pertama kali pada saat berumur 8 tahun. Dan mulai bermain dengan sebuah band pada umur 12 tahun. Band dan gitaris yang mempengaruhi permainan gitarnya adalah Yngwie Malmsteen, Randy Rhoads, Iron Maiden, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Yes, Rush dsb. Karena saat itu sedang berkembang irama metal dan trash, Petrucci menambahkan pengaruhnya pada musik Metallica dan Queensryche.

[sunting] Pranala luar

Dream Theater
James LaBrie | John Myung | John Petrucci | Mike Portnoy | Jordan Rudess
Charlie Dominici | Kevin Moore | Derek Sherinian
Albums and extended plays: When Dream and Day Unite | Images and Words | Live at the Marquee | Awake | A Change of Seasons | Falling into Infinity | Once in a LIVEtime | Scenes from a Memory | Live Scenes from New York | Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence | Train of Thought | Live at Budokan | Octavarium | Systematic Chaos
Videos and DVDs: Images and Words: Live in Tokyo | 5 Years in a Livetime | Metropolis 2000: Scenes from New York | Live at Budokan
Songs: Pull Me Under | Another Day | A Mind Beside Itself | The Glass Prison
Related articles
Jelly Jam | Liquid Tension Experiment | MullMuzzler | OSI | Platypus | Transatlantic
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